
Japanse Praemium Imperiale voor Rem Koolhaas

Rem Koolhaas, founding partner van OMA, wordt dit jaar samen met vier andere uitvoerend kunstenaars gelauwerd met de prestigieuze Praemium Imperiale. Aan de prijs, die in oktober in Tokio wordt uitgereikt is een bedrag verbonden van 125.000 US dollar. Het juryrapport zegt onder meer: "Rem Koolhaas, aside from being an artist and innovator in the vanguard of architectural practice, is a leading teacher, theorist and writer. His buildings, like his writings, examine and revise conventional solutions, and are full of remarkable, surprising as well as pragmatic answers. On closer look, what might seem provocative and radical can be seen to be extremely rational. Koolhaas' built works range from private residences to large scale urban planning. His Rotterdam based Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) is currently engaged in its largest project ever -the new headquarters for Central Chinese Television (CCTV) in Beijing to be completed in 2008. "